Some famous person, philosopher, writer, someone, once said
something like satisfaction is the first step toward death.
Something to that effect.
Like, if you stop dreaming, aspiring to something more than
what you’ve achieved, you’ve given up.
What happens when you have a dream for your whole life and
you achieve it? Satisfaction is an unacceptable reaction to that, apparently. I
go back and forth about how I feel about this whole thing.
I know when I first read this; I nodded, understanding where
they were coming from. Born with the heart of a wanderer, I think that this is
something that I can get behind, at least for the foreseeable future.
Having decided to forgo all the things it seems everyone
else is doing, mainly getting married, having babies or just doing what their
parents did in general, the whole world has opened up to me. I can go wherever
and do whatever I want with only my dreams to keep me company.
Satisfaction seems to be the last thing that I want. Half the
fun of getting somewhere is the journey. How do people fuel themselves further
when there is nothing driving them? Satisfaction
seems like the last thing in the world most people want.
It’s really an odd idea- that we spend so much time working
toward satisfaction and then loathe it when it gets here. Like maybe the
journey was the best part, but we didn’t realize it until we got there. And we
really wished we had taken more pictures.
That’s all I’m planning for right now- the journey. Because I
don’t know where it’s leading yet. Maybe I’ll meet satisfaction someday down
the road. Maybe not. But I’d like, if I ever do meet it someday, to maybe meet
it on my way out of here, so that I can hold it’s hand, okay that we didn’t meet
Life is all about the journey.
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